
Corporate Dinner

Dear Readers :)

I'm so excited about this, so that's why i just write it here right away haha.  Tonight me, Fandhy, Tina, kak Nurul, and Naoki just had dinner with directors of some Japan Companies at Crown Hotel Jakarta.  It was greaaaaat because me and Fandhy thought it would be super formal but we're totally wrong! It was super unformal and they even wore polo shirt with shorts while me and Fandhy wore dress and shirt hahaha.  Good people and good food! :p


Management Board Conference

on our way to Gambir Train Station. Yep, by Bajaj :p

super-tired-yet-excited face at Malang Train Station

Yes, I am ready!

Meatball - lovers  girls

With Rifanditto, Mr President of AIESEC LCUI

with kak Sandro, Mr President of AIESEC Indonesia

Super similar!

Our Beloved Fandhy!

Sugarcubes, such a moodbooster!

Japan Info Session

Secret Weapons

Birthday Presents

Dear Readers,

It's been a while since the last time i posted something here. now i have a few picts of me and Dinta Dini Diska having dinner together and....... they gave me some presents! thank you guys :*


Natural Make Up Products

Dear Readers,

Do you have any special favourite make up products which are always inside ur bag?
because i do have some favourite make up products hehe. Honestly i wasn't kind of person who use make up at all, but since some of my friends and mom ask me to do something with my face to make it not so pale i bought some.  And here are my favs :

NYX Auto Eyebrow Pencil

Lately i loove to shape my eyebrow with eyebrow pencil hehe. My tips is if you want to make it really natural then use grey color.  Before i use NYX, i used to use Sariayu, but since it's sooo hard to find then i change it to NYX.  I recommend it because it looks so natural.

NYX Retractable Eye Liner
I looooove this product because it stays longer than any other products that i have ever used before.  I f you have an oily eyelid then you should apply powder / eye base (NYX have it also) before u use eye liner.  Trust me, my eyelid is soo oily but with powder and this eye liner voilaa! it looks good :)

Vaseline Pure Skin Jelly

This is my fav lip balm ever.  It will make your lip fresh and also it's really cheap, i bought it only 20k :p

Revlon Coffee Bean Colorstay
If you are about to go somewhere and want to do something with ur eye with natural look then these colors are the best! they are also colorstay :)

So...... those are my favourite ones, any other recommend? :)


Second Family

Dear Readers,

It's been a while since my latest post. The last 2 weeks was quite crazy. Yep, sooooo hectic!! and more hectic weeks to come.. hehehe.
I am proud to say that i really enjoy my activities, yes i love to be part of AIESEC.  I am happy to be part of an amazing OGX GIP Team which is one of the best team i've ever had <3 .
There's no words can describe how lucky i am right now, how thankful i am.
To finally find my second family, a place where i can be just the way i am. Alhamdulillah.

I love you guys :*



Dear readers :)

When i was in Russia, i bought a view Matryoshka. They are sooo cuteeee!! seeing them in my room just make me miss Russia even moree :(


Online Shopping

Dear readers :)

So.. Post kali ini akan saya tulis kembali dengan bahasa indonesia. Kenapa? Karena bahasan kali ini akan mengangkat tema Online Shop yang ada di indonesia (maklum, belum pernah beli yang shipping nya dari luar negeri hehe).
Sering banget kan denger kata Online Shop? Nah sebenarnya arti dari online shop itu sama aja dengan arti kata nya dari bahasa inggris, yaitu toko yang sifatnya online.  Jadi transaksi dilakukan dengan cara berkomunikasi online (atau sms dan telp) lalu calon pembeli transfer  sejumlah uang  ke rekening penjual, selanjutnya penjual akan mengirim barang ke alamat pembeli.

Keuntungan dari berbelanja online itu :
- simpel
- praktis nggak perlu datang ke toko langsung
- bisa update tentang barang yang dicari kapanpun, terutama kalau barang nya langka.  Nggak mungkin keliling ke setiap toko ntuk mencari kan? :p

Masih banyak sih keuntungan dari belanja online, itu hanya beberapa aja hehe. Tapi selain keuntungan pasti ada juga dong kekurangan dari belanja online.  

Kekurangan dari berbelanja online :
- kita tidak bisa melihat langsung kualitas barang
- kita tidak bisa mencoba langsung barang (untuk pakaian)
- ada nya modus penipuan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa online shop

Well di post ini saya juga akan share sedikit tips untuk mengantisipasi kekurangan-kekurangan dari berbelanja online, karena kekurangan-kekurangan tersebut masih bisa diakalin kok :)


- ilmu kepo bener-bener harus ditekankan nih untuk belanja online untuk mencari harga yang paling murah dengan barang yang sama.  Rajin search dan melihat barang dari online shop. Akhirnya malah jadi bisa tau toko A ngambil barang dari toko B dan seterusnya.
- cari online shop yang memiliki banyak rekomendasi/comment bagus dari customer nya. Atau boleh juga berbelanja di online shop yang untuk dapetin barang nya aja harus lomba2an booking hehe.  Biasanya ini bisa dilihat dari comment foto atau wall dari online shop kok.
- sebelum membeli, tanya ukuran dan rincian barang dengan jelas.  Lebih baik banyak bertanya tapi jadi jelas deh daripada langsung beli tapi nggak tau pas atau nggak :)
- saya nggak merekomendasikan untuk membeli barang elektronik / barang yang kelewat mahal melalui online shop kecuali online shop yang dimaksud direkomendasikan oleh teman yang pernah membeli juga di online shop tersebut, karena basis dari online shop itu sendiri adalah kepercayaan. Jadi, harus tetap hati-hati.
- tentunya sebagai pelanggan yang baik jangan PHP (pemberi harapan palsu) ya sama pemilik online shop hehe. Jangan hit and run! Kalau udah booking ya ditransfer tepat waktu supaya nggak di blacklist.

Semoga tips-tips ini membantu ya teman-teman yang ingin berbelanja online.  By the way, pesanan saya baru saja sampe nih hehe. See you on the next post!




Dear readers :)

2 nights ago when me and my sists were in my parent's room, my mom said to me  that my style is too plain and need more colours.  Well to be honest i like dark colour like grey and khaki (well this one is not really dark though :p) because they are soo simple and easy to mix and match with other colour.  So i decided to change the way i wear my hijab a lil bit to make my style not really plain.  I don't know whether i will stay with this style in university or not because it would be soooo hoooot :((


A (Quite) Long Journey

Dear Readers :)

It's hard for me to write this post. Why? because i assume this is my last post about Russia and will close my travelling story there.
It's not just an ordinary travelling story for me. it's my first time going abroad without my family.
7 weeks.  Well it's not so long, though. But i have a lot of memories there.
It started on 27th of June.  I was so nervous about everything.  I even couldn't speak russian... at all.  I went by myself and set my expectation high about literally....everything.  Then came reality which was not as good as i expected. Without any Indonesians near me. I cried, a lot.  I wish i could wake up in my room surrounded by my family and friends, at that time. I learned how to survive in whatever condition.  I learned to not GIVE UP and stay strong.  I knew i could do things that i thought i couldn't.
A few weeks later, i went to Ulyanovsk for another project.  I can say that it was really memorable for me.  You guys are amazing.  I enjoyed my time so much in Ulyanovsk.  I also met my friend, Suci, who was my highschool mate there.  Then my (real) holiday began.  Me and Suci went to St Petersburg and Moscow.  We enjoyed our trip so much that i can still remember how we spent our time there.

I don't know how to describe my story by words.  I hope my picts in some posts before can tell you more :)


Eid Mubarak

Dear readers :)

I'd like to say
Happy Eid Mubarak 
for those who celebrate and i'd like to say sorry for all mistakes that i've done. Hopefully after this holy month we can be a better person. Aamiin.
(i know it's a lil bit late now heheh)
On 19th july, i was still in Moscow so i celebrated my Eid with all Indonesians in Indonesian Embassy.  It was really nice to meet Indonesians who live in Russia.  I feel like at home because of all the foods there hehehe.

Have a wonderful Eid Mubarak everyone!